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Saline Tattoo Removal


Are you looking for a safe and non-colour-dependent procedure to lighten or remove unwanted permanent makeup pigments? Look no further! Saline Tattoo Removal is the answer!



Through our unique process, the lightening solution bonds with the permanent makeup pigments, resulting in a tattoo lightening/removal procedure that is non-color dependent. Similar to the original tattoo procedure, the saline solution is skillfully applied using a tattoo machine. However, instead of implanting ink or pigment, the specially-formulated solution bonds with the original tattoo and draws the ink to the skin's surface, gradually lightening or removing it.



We prioritize the health and integrity of your skin. That's why we require a full 8 weeks of healing before another lightening session can be conducted. This crucial step ensures the best possible results and promotes skin wellness. No exceptions are made to this healing period.



The process of lightening and/or removing unwanted pigment takes time and patience. Whether you opt for our lightening product service or laser treatment, we kindly request you to be patient and give the process a fair chance to work its magic. Visible and desired results can typically be achieved in 3 to 6 sessions. The number of sessions needed depends on factors such as pigment saturation, depth of implantation, and the extent of removal required to achieve your desired outcome.



In many cases, only a percentage of the pigment density needs to be lightened/removed, allowing us to seamlessly continue the correction process by colour correcting. However, for instances where pigment is misplaced or in an unwanted area, colour correcting may not be an option. In such cases, our ultimate goal is to remove as much of the pigment as possible to meet your expectations.



It's essential to understand that results cannot be foreseen, predicted, or guaranteed. Each individual's skin and tattoo composition may respond differently to the process. However, rest assured that our skilled professionals are dedicated to delivering the best possible outcome based on your unique circumstances.

Take the first step towards tattoo lightening or removal today and embrace the journey to your desired results. Trust our expertise, dedication, and specially-formulated solution for a successful and rewarding experience.

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